
Legendary South Korean filmmaker Kim Ki-Duk, who had fan following across the world for his provocative films laced with sex, violence and animal cruelty, has died after the complications from Covid19. He was 59. His world-famous films include Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring, The Isle...

Legendary Indian actor from Bengal, Soumitra Chatterjee breathed his last on Sunday at 12.15 pm in South Kolkata. With the death of Soumitra Chatterjee, the curtains have indeed come down on a golden era of cinema in Bengal. The 85-year-old actor was admitted to hospital in...

International Film Festival of Thrissur (IFFT), organization conducts Kerala’s second biggest film festival, condoled the demise of the Argentine film director Fernando Solanas. In the meeting organisers remembered that with the death of Solanes, the world lost another strong voice of third world cinema. Solanes who pioneered...

Thrissur: Orange Film Academy, Kerala’s first e-learning school for film studies, was inaugurated by filmmaker and KSFDC Chairman, Shaji N Karun in an online ceremony on Sunday. “As far as cinema is concerned, learning is the most relevant thing. Nowadays the idea that exists there is...

Bringing proud moment for the Indian film industry, Young Indian filmmaker Chaitanya Tamhane’s feature film ‘The Disciple’ has won two awards at the prestigious Venice Film Festival. [caption id="attachment_1078" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Chaitanya Tamhane, Film Director[/caption] The two awards include the Best Screenplay award and the International Critics'...

Kolkata: Father of film studies in India, Father Gaston Roberge, passed away on Wednesday, 26 August in Kolkata. He was 85.  Father Gaston Roberge, a missionary set up India’s oldest media and film training institute called ‘Chitrabani’ in 1970 at Calcutta. Chitrabani introduced ideas and projects...

International Thai Film Festival(ITFF) will be held as a virtual film event this year. The five-day long event will be from September 11 to 15, 2020. This year as an Online Film Event, the festival will showcase a colorful selection of quality film productions from around...

Following the footsteps of the trend of conducting film festivals as an online event across the world due to Covid-19 pandemic, Kerala Government also may hold much-anticipated 25th edition of the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) as an online event. Indicating the plan, Minister for...

The first-ever online film festival, Docuscape, organised by the Kerala State Chalachithra Academy will begin on Friday. Twenty-nine films will be screened online over eight days, Cultural Minister A K Balan, who will inaugurate the Docuscape at 4pm on Friday on Website 29 films will...

Theatre legend Ebrahim Alkazi, who credited for revolutionising theatre in India, passed away on Tuesday. He was 94. He succumbed to a heart attack at the Escorts Hospital in New Delhi. Padmavibhushan Alkazi became one of the most prominent theatre artistes in Mumbai during the 1940s...

Thirty first edition of the Singapore International Film Festival’s (SGIFF) call for the entry films will be closing on August 24.  The 31st edition of Singapore International Film Festival will be held from 26 November to 6 December 2020. SGIFF welcomes Asian films and Southeast Asian...