
Thrissur: Orange Film Academy, Kerala’s first e-learning school for film studies, was inaugurated by filmmaker and KSFDC Chairman, Shaji N Karun in an online ceremony on Sunday. “As far as cinema is concerned, learning is the most relevant thing. Nowadays the idea that exists there is...

In this article, International Online Short and Documentary Film Festival Director, Damodar Prasad explains more about ‘Alone and Together’, the theme of the  Film Festival jointly organize by Orange Film Academy and IFFT on September 10,11 and 12…Many filmmakers who want to participate in the...

The present crisis calls for a reinvention of the way we approach cinemas as a business and cinema as a community asset. . In this interview Rebecca del Tufo, Programming Manager at Saffron Screen and Royston Picture Palace, explains about the future of film exhibition. (Saffron Screen is...

In 2019, the Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry, was a sunrise sector for the country’s economy. M&E sector, which consists of multiple segments such as Movies/Cinema, Television, Music, Publishing Radio, Internet, Advertising, Print, Animation and Gaming etc. was making high growth strides in 2019. A...

(In this touching note, Dr. Thomas Chunkath remembers his beloved guru, the theatre icon Ebrahim Alkazi. Dr. Chunkath, who retired as a director in the national broadcaster Doordarshan, was inspired as a young man to join the National School of Drama (NSD) in New Delhi...