
Bringing proud moment for the Indian film industry, Young Indian filmmaker Chaitanya Tamhane’s feature film ‘The Disciple’ has won two awards at the prestigious Venice Film Festival. [caption id="attachment_1078" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Chaitanya Tamhane, Film Director[/caption] The two awards include the Best Screenplay award and the International Critics'...

Kolkata: Father of film studies in India, Father Gaston Roberge, passed away on Wednesday, 26 August in Kolkata. He was 85.  Father Gaston Roberge, a missionary set up India’s oldest media and film training institute called ‘Chitrabani’ in 1970 at Calcutta. Chitrabani introduced ideas and projects...

International Thai Film Festival(ITFF) will be held as a virtual film event this year. The five-day long event will be from September 11 to 15, 2020. This year as an Online Film Event, the festival will showcase a colorful selection of quality film productions from around...

Following the footsteps of the trend of conducting film festivals as an online event across the world due to Covid-19 pandemic, Kerala Government also may hold much-anticipated 25th edition of the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) as an online event. Indicating the plan, Minister for...

The first-ever online film festival, Docuscape, organised by the Kerala State Chalachithra Academy will begin on Friday. Twenty-nine films will be screened online over eight days, Cultural Minister A K Balan, who will inaugurate the Docuscape at 4pm on Friday on Website 29 films will...